Get your teen up & active with bounti BODY

fitness Jan 12, 2023

What is the bounti BODY Programme?

bounti BODY is a progressive 8-week programme designed to get sedentary teenagers, aged 13 to 18, up and active again!

In this programme, qualified bounti instructor, Cait, takes teens on an 8-week journey to get them familiar and comfortable with rebounding. They will start rebounding for 15 minutes a day, for 5 days per week. They slowly progress, with the workouts gradually becoming longer and more challenging, incorporating minimal equipment, which includes: 

By the end of the 8 weeks, they should be able to do a full, well-rounded 45-minute rebounding session! Cait also ends every bounti BODY session with a set of powerful affirmations that’s sure to leave your teenager feeling motivated, confident and empowered.

 ALSO SEE: Cait's bounti Kids FOMO workouts

WATCH: Cait introducing bounti BODY

WATCH: Screen recording of the bounti BODY Programme


A little bit about Cait

Cait is one of our beloved bounti Kids instructors. She brings a youthful, trendy and hip air to her bounti classes. She enjoys relating to the youth, as well as teaching and entertaining them. You could describe her classes as fun, energetic and quirky!

Cait is a trained actress, singer and dancer with much experience working in musical theatre and the entertainment industry. When she discovered rebounding, it was love at first bounce!

Cait has a fiery passion for teaching children. She believes in spreading her knowledge and expertise to the youth of today – after all, they are the future. So, she joined bounti to expand on the bounti Kids offering.

For her, bounti managed to blend rebounding with her other passions – kids and performing! She’s now a performer, teacher and the youngest instructor on the bounti Team. Besides the fact that it’s so incredible for your health, Cait loves rebounding because it’s the one exercise modality that’s always fun, and can be tailored to benefit any age, gender, ability and fitness level.

ALSO READ: More about our bounti instructors and their classes


The inspiration behind bounti BODY

The inspiration behind bounti BODY is super close to my heart… Teens, their physical health, mental health and body image!

As a teenager, I myself struggled with an eating disorder. I wish that, at the time, I had a programme like this to encourage a healthier, less extreme and more uplifting way of treating my body.

As a stepmom myself to 2 young ladies, I’m also excited about this programme, because I know there are so many teens out there who may struggle to find an exercise modality that they enjoy, especially if they aren’t the sporty type.

My hope with this programme is to get teens excited about movement and make them feel better, from the inside out. Even with the best intentions, shaming children into being more active or losing weight can have an incredibly harmful impact… Devastatingly, eating disorders, among other mental illnesses and suicide rates, are increasing at scarily high rates within the teenaged demographic!

With the rise of social media, the lingering pandemic and the growing mental health crisis, we need to show our teens more empathy, understanding and support. Without implying that rebounding cures or prevents any of their struggles, bounti BODY aims to provide teens with a way to unplug, stay healthy and active, have fun and release some of life’s stresses and worries.


WATCH: Family interview about the inspiration behind bounti BODY

Why should your teen start rebounding?

Rebounding really has so many benefits, all while being so much fun and so versatile! It enables teens to get in their strength training and cardiovascular exercise, all while toning and upping their fitness levels. Let’s get the youth of today up, happy and bouncing with bounti BODY!

Teenagers are often misunderstood, with so many people failing to empathise with the physical and psychological intricacies that are specific to their adolescent phase of life. Teens naturally have a more fragile self-esteem and heightened sense of self-awareness as their bodies undergo so many developmental changes.

This self-consciousness is heightened by the ever-growing rise of social media – depression, anxiety and eating disorders are increasingly rife problems in the teenaged generation as a result. Because teens spend so much time online, their lack of physical activity is also an ever-growing concern for parents.

As a stepmom myself, I know that there are lots of teens out there who struggle to find an exercise modality that they enjoy, especially if they aren’t sporty or competitive at school. While this is the case, it's so important for all of us to stay fit, healthy and active! Luckily, rebounding enables teens to exercise from the comfort and privacy of their own bedrooms.

One of the benefits of rebounding is that it improves your self-esteem, and alleviates the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, so your teen should feel more confident, and an improvement in their mental wellbeing, as a result of bouncing regularly.

ALSO READ: 46 benefits of rebounding


WATCH: bounti BODY Introduction


What are the benefits of rebounding exercise for teenagers?

1. Weight management

Exercise uses up oxygen, which causes the body to burn stored fat and helps to maintain a normal weight. 

Most people know that exercise maintains muscle strength, but did you know that increased muscle mass burns more calories than steady-rate cardio? Muscle mass is metabolically active tissue. This means that the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn – even at rest!

Rebounding also supports metabolism more than other forms of cardio. This is because longer cardio sessions are thought to hinder weight-loss efforts due to extended periods of "breathlessness" – which you don’t experience while rebounding.

Rebounding in particular also enhances digestion and elimination, which helps to reduce bloating and clear toxins in the body. It also reduces cellulite in just a few months by increasing the body’s lymphatic flow.

Bouncing also improves the effects of strength training. People who rebound for 30 seconds between each set of weight lifting, typically see 25% more improvement in their muscles after 12 weeks than those who don't.

2. Keeps bones strong

Regular, moderate exercise keeps your bones strong. Studies show that resistance strengthening training in particular boosts bone mass and keeps muscles strong.

Rebounding specifically gives your body an increased G-force (or gravitational load). This improves your health and strengthens your musculoskeletal systems.

3. Makes skin glow

Did you know that exercise boosts circulation and the delivery of nutrients to your skin, helping to detoxify the body by removing toxins?

As exercise boosts oxygen to the skin, it also helps to increase the natural production of collagen, the connective tissue that plumps your skin.

Rebounding gives you antioxidant protection and increases your blood flow, which helps to protect the internal structure of your skin.

Your skin will "glow" after exercise, because of the increase in blood flow. It can even help to reduce acne!

4. Reduces stress and improves mood

Regular exercise reduces the amount of stress hormones in the body, resulting in a slower heart rate, relaxed blood vessels, and lower blood pressure. Increased relaxation after exercise shows on your face with reduced muscle tension.

Rebounding offers a number of benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety. If your teen is feeling bogged down by friend drama, difficult assignment deadlines, or a family argument, encourage them to have a quick bounce to clear their heads and relieve stress.

Regular exercise also reduces symptoms of moderate depression and enhances psychological fitness. Exercise can even produce changes in certain chemical levels in the body, which can have a positive effect on the psychological state.

Endorphins are hormones in the brain associated with a happy, positive feeling. Low levels of endorphins is associated with depression. During exercise, plasma levels of this substance increase. This may help to ease symptoms of depression.

Exercise also boosts the production of serotonin, another “happy hormone” in the brain.

Rebounding can also improve your mental health by improving your self-image! Regular exercise can boost your teen's self-esteem.

5. Improves immunity

Regular exercise is so beneficial for your immune system, helping to reduce your likelihood of getting sick from colds, flu, and other viruses. Rebounding aids lymphatic circulation, which is paramount in moving your immune cells throughout the body and creating defence against infection.

Rebounding also improves your immune system by stimulating the action of red bone marrow and supporting the repair of tissue.

6. Better cognition

Exercise boosts blood flow to the brain and helps it receive oxygen and nutrients. The better shape you're in, the faster you fire brain waves that are responsible for quick thinking. Who knew that bouncing could help your teen concentrate and think better at school?

7. Better sleep and increased energy

Is your teenager fighting insomnia or staying up late binge-watching their favourite show? If they start working out regularly, you may find that they fall into a healthier sleep routine. Exercise can help you sleep deeper and longer, ultimately delivering some well-rested results.

You'd think a tough workout would leave your teen feeling drained for the rest of the day, but the opposite is often the case! Exercise provides you with a great energy boost! Rebounding increases stamina and endurance by boosting neurotransmitter production, which helps promote energy.

Rebounding actually fights fatigue! In the long- run, bouncing increases the strength needed to keep fatigue at bay.

Bouncing also improves sleep quality. Regular rebounding can help you relax, get a higher quality of sleep and stimulate your recovery processes while you sleep.

Next time your teen is feeling tired, encourage them to fight that fatigue with a quick bounce.

ALSO READ: More about our bounti & Lr Programmes!