Testimonial - Bethany's complete transformation on the rebounder
Feb 18, 2021
Bethany Masie, 20, is an English psychology student and discovered rebounding in matric. It helped her cope with exam stress, sleep better and lose weight. She’s hooked!
Before I found rebounding, exercise was always daunting for me. Working out in a public gym or even in PE class as an overweight person in school had always been a humiliating experience for me. But with my own LR rebounder, I found comfort in the fact that I could exercise and figure out what works for me in the privacy of my own room.
With Lisa Raleigh's online rebounding videos, I could go at my own pace and learn without any judgement.
Bethany's rebounding journey
I started rebounding during my mid-year matric exams to help me cope with my extremely high stress levels. It gave me not only a daily release of endorphins, but also a better night’s sleep and cleared up my skin.
Not to mention how enjoyable it was! I got to listen to my own music, and it gave me a huge confidence boost. When I first started, I bounced slowly, and progressed gradually as I wasn’t used to regular exercise. I wasn’t on any sports teams at school, and had never been to the gym for more than two weeks at a time before giving up. I was so unfit, however, the privacy of having my own rebounder, allowed me to change this without feeling self-conscious.
(Bethany in denim jacket, with her younger sister, Amber)
I started out with 30 minutes of rebounding a day, with many breaks in between, to improve my coordination, balance and get used to the feeling of bouncing. With more practice I was able to do a full hour, and to my surprise, I started enjoying exercise! The reason I stuck with rebounding and still enjoy it to this day is all the benefits I’ve experienced. Nothing clears my mind, reduces my stress and improves my mood better than a good workout. I find another huge motivator is a good workout playlist!
ALSO SEE: The benefits of rebounding
I’ve been rebounding for just over two years now, with a combination of at-home workouts and Lisa's classes in Parkhurst, and have lost quite a bit of weight. I’ve always eaten somewhat healthily, but rebounding has definitely been the reason for the kilo’s dropping off. Although I prefer not to weigh myself, my clothes are considerably looser, and my own self-image has improved drastically. I now rebound at least five times a week and am an overall much happier person because of it. I can’t imagine my life without it! Thank you, Lisa!
(Bethany with her friend on a night out)